The big chemical test is coming. I didn't have a rest even in my Saturday and Sanday time. For the urge of getting a good drade, I need to syudy harder.
I really fed up with little bugs. While I was studying this morning (in my home), there were some little flying creatures surrounding me. Because it was very early in the morning, there was no noise except the voice I made, such as the pen falling on the floor or the sound I slipped my book pages. But these little bugs also made another noise annoyed me.
They always fell on my books, which would made sound like ''ta''. During the first ten minutes when I began studying, there became some background music ''ta ta ta'', which made me uncomfortable and annoyed. With the noise I could't concentrate on my books. However,I really didn't want to kill them. But they definitely disturbed me, I took the beater to let them fly out of my room.
At last, I closed the window to avoid these bugs flew into my room again.
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